Shard of glass myself

to my 'friends'

I am on the wings of a soft breeze as shards of glass,
I'd fly because I want to be elsewhere.
Here, only greedy people stomp me on the roadside,
My shards are falling apart because of them.

I need a country where I am truly me,
And I'm creating a new whole from shards.
The 'strangers' wouldn't abuse me,
It wouldn't be that truth I'm afraid of.

I wish this was immediately available,
My life would not depend only on one thread,
My whole life would not break in every moment,
Wild thunderstorms would be silent in my soul.

I believe once this suffering is over,
Peace moves into my life.
I will be strong, brave and cheerful,
You can break me, but I survive!

If I do fall out, someone sweeps me up.

Győr, 15–17 January 2019